7 Steps to Uncover Your Best Self

Happy New Year 2023...

As we ring in a new and better year, perhaps you have made resolutions.  We are all crawling out from an incredibly challenging three years that has taken a toll on everyone's health on every level. Personally, the past few years have been very difficult for me, especially in the realm of mental health & I know I'm not alone in this.

More than ever people are struggling with their physical and mental health and I want to be able to support that.  

If you have not had the opportunity to access my FREE mental health resource guides, grab them here and start taking steps to help yourself right away!

Resolutions are best served in daily practice, giving yourself the gift of health on every level, every day.  Yoga, meditation, fitness, clean eating, positive information intake, self-love and making your health your number one priority may be on your 2023 goals list.  In the new year, I am launching programs to help you with that growth.

Wishing you a lovely, healthy New Year.


7 Steps to Uncover Your Best Self
  1. Move your body for an hour a day
  2. Remove all packaged and processed foods from your diet
  3. Make time for daily yoga and meditation
  4. Start a new hobby or creative process that you have postponed
  5. Turn off the television & the news
  6. Do something every day that makes you uncomfortable in a good way - GROW
  7. Get a support system and like-minded people to help you achieve your goals.

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Yoga Class starts now....

It's the third week of GRATITUDE month!

Gratitude is a practice that just keeps giving back and just a small piece of a Yoga practice.  The stretches/poses of Yoga are just another piece of Yoga.  I've done many exercises classes over the years from swimming to kickboxing to Kung Fu to Bootcamp to Hot Yoga to even running a marathon (all 26.2 miles!!).  All of which helped me on the outside. BUT something else was happening the more I practiced Yoga -- I felt a sense of relief on the inside!  As a mom and small business owner, I don't have the energy to keep up with these exercises from my teens, twenties and thirties. --- plus I'm not getting any younger and I'm not willing to give up my health and goal to be an awesome Granny someday.  

As we approach the final month of 2022, what needs healing in your life?   
  • Need to build muscle strength, sweat or burn calories so you don't have to hide behind your kids/grandkids in pictures?
  • Looking to improve flexibility or poor posture so you can keep up with our kids and grandkids?
  • Want to protect your bones from osteoporosis or lessen back pain so you don't need to miss out on memories being made around you?
  • Stressed and need to promote relaxation, lower your cortisol levels so you're not the mom screaming at your kids or the grandmom that only has the energy to do inactive things (eg. watch movies, go out to eat, etc).
  • Feeling lack of connectedness and just want to be part of a community that is going to help motivate you to do all of the above while discovering why this world needs you here?
  • Are your emotions out of whack cuz of your monthly cycle or menopause and you are losing yourself to sadness, anxiety and whatever comes up on a given day?
Many individuals only utilize the practice of Yoga for the physical benefits; however, I am proof that a number of mental and spiritual benefits can also be obtained through breath control, meditation, poses and lifestyle (including Gratitude). The thousands of years of Yoga history, practices and traditions has the added benefit of healing from the root ---what was passed down from our ancestors to our daily mental stressors.  

Where you are in your life now?  Click on the one that best describes YOU & access my FREE Yoga resource guide that correlates with it right now-- plus a FREE Yoga class will be delivered straight to your inbox that you can do immediately!

"Yoga is the ultimate practice.  It simultaneously stimulates our inner light and quiets our overactive minds.  It is both energy & rest.  Yin & Yang.  Feel the burn and find the bliss."  ~Unknown  

Gratitude that you have given me the opportunity to support your health and wellness,

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My Story

My Story
October is mental health awareness month, so I thought I would share my Anxiety Resource Guide & personal story because I know that many others are dealing with this challenge in these trying times.  Whether you are running your own family, life and or business, I am sure you can relate.  

The state of the world can feel like a long-drawn-out down cycle.  Riding the waves seems very challenging for us all, and for those who are sensitive, empathic, or connected, it's a difficult time.  Layer on dealing with mental health issues, and it gets heavier.  

Perhaps to the outside world, it seems like I have everything together...don't we all?!  But the struggle is real - being a mom and small business owner is a challenging and lonely road to walk.  I spent most of my life taking care of my physical body, which is an outward manifestation of our mind, but it wasn't until recent years that I started prioritizing my mental and emotional wellness.  What a much more peaceful world it's become!!

Fortunately, I have many tools at my disposal to deal with my physical and mental health. Every time I take another class, listen to another book, I learn so much more because learning health is a lifelong process.  The process starts with committing to doing whatever it takes to take care of your body and mind, including your mental health.

My regime includes the following:

  • Pilates for my muscles
  • Yoga for my bones, joints, connective tissues and mental/emotional wellness
  • Meditation for self-care, stress & anxiety relief
  • Positive affirmations & self-talk
  • Healthy/clean eating which includes seasonal cleansing
  • Extreme moderation when it comes to alcohol and somewhat less to caffeine
  • Supplements - I worked with a special doctor to determine what supplements are best for me
  • Other healing - I'm currently enrolled in a 6-month feminine embodiment course that includes lots of 2nd chakra and ancestral work
  • Learning - I always have an audio book going or am in another course (I just finished my aerial yoga training and am immersed in an aerial Pilates training now)
  • FUN & Hobbies - outside of your kids
  • Therapy - I go to therapy the same way I would go to a doctor -- if something is "off".  It's a lot less frequent with the tools above!!
I've learned a lot about myself in my 40's, beneath the layers of my physical body.  In the process, I'm confident that I've become a role model for my kids (yet I don't know if I started out as one) and am well on my way to being the best "Granny" ever (some day).  I work hard to show them the many layers of a healthy life not just diet, exercise and good grades but mindfully including self-awareness, relationships, connection, etc.  Plus, I think they've enjoyed the results of my continued learning --- I have a house wait-list for one of my newer certifications in Thai Massage lol.  

This is the last week to join my 21-day mindfulness challenge to help you uncover a variety of ways to start focusing on the here and now ---- before it slips away and it's now the past.  Mindfulness is a stepping-stone to meditation --- so if you've never been able to experience a meditation practice it's most likely that you've skipped mindfulness (that's like skipping training wheels on riding a bike).  During the 21-day challenge, you'll be guided with a daily email to learn and try out mindfulness techniques that you can use in your everyday life.

If you or someone you know is living with anxiety, scroll through my anxiety resource guide now.  

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Need less stress?

LOVE T-SHIRTFor those unfamiliar with mindfulness, it might conjure images of people sitting cross-legged, meditating. In reality, it's a way of life! 

Mindfulness is the psychological process of bringing one's attention to experiences occurring in the present moment, instead of thoughts and worries from the past or future.
It is something that we need to practice in order for it to work in our benefit.  Like muscles, we must challenge our thoughts and train our brains to restructure the way we see the world around us.  With practice, we can actually start remodeling the physical structures of our brain.  Take the next 21 days to see for yourself how transformational it can be in your life! 

Mindfulness can offer a host of benefits to anyone and EVERYONE who practices. If you're looking for....

  • greater mental wellness 
  • improved physical health like lowering blood pressure & reducing chronic pain
  • relieving stress & symptoms of anxiety, depression, ADHD and more.
Ready to be more mindful and experience the benefits?  Learn more here.

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Deeeeep breath aaaaaand 50% off!

"Let the falling leaves of a tree remind you of how easy it can be to get rid of the dead weight. Choose to live with less and live with more."

As the cooler weather starts to approach, is a great reminder of the farmer during harvest.  The seeds s/he has taken hours and hours to sew, the laborious planting and tending to the ground, the planning and meticulous care given as each plant grows...all of it comes to fruition at harvest.  S/he gets to look around and reap the benefits of all of their hard work.  

Compare that to your wellness journey.  It takes time and effort to form new habits and gain the knowledge needed to establish a "new" way of living.  

To celebrate harvest and all that it encompasses, here are some gentle reminders to start planting your seeds this fall to reach your healthy journey...
  • Take some time to journal about your intentions for this season.  There's still 3 months left of 2022---remember your high hopes from back in January?  Now is the perfect time to revisit where you were, where you are now & where you want to be at the end of this year.
  • Look at your calendar and schedule periods of rest, play, being in nature or something else that brings you pleasure once per day....even if just for 20 minutes.  If you don't scheduled it...it likely won't happen.
  • Be aware of the quality of the foods you are consuming, as food has a direct effect on your energy.
  • Limit the amount of caffeine, alcohol and sugar you consume, as these substances can numb our ability to feel our true energy.
  • If you're feeing an emotion, let yourself feel it fully.  That may mean, have a good cry, laugh until your belly hurs (in a good way), scream into a pillow....let it flow!
  • Take the 30 day NingXia Red Challenge.  NingXia Red was found to improve sleep, stress, and physical health!  
    A new study by researchers at The Franklin Health Research Center has found that consuming 2 oz. of Young Living Essential Oils NingXia Red daily significantly boosts overall health in areas such as sleep, cognitive wellbeing, physical function, and immune health.  Read more HERE  -- then grab your 30 day supply here and receive free access to the 30 day challenge.
Ready for lasting change?  Join my 28 to Elevate program ---it can be done as a DIY program at your own pace or as a complementary program by joining me for Yoga.  In just 28 days you'll set the stage for lasting change by digging deep and gaining clarity on what you really need to work on to finally feel at your peak.

Lastly.....it's our end of Summer Sale!  If you haven't yet tried something, today is your day because not only is it sale time but you can use my $25 discount code.  Click below....

Get in "yoga mode" by grabbing a pair of Yoga pants at my (online) Store...local, small & sustainably sourced.
$25 off coupon

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