You can’t always bring your mat with you (unfortunately), but you can bring yoga!
In fact, partaking in a few stretches while you’re traveling is crucial for keeping circulation healthy and your immune system in tip-top shape while you’re sitting in closely packed spaces, whether it be in a room, car, plane, or bus full of people!
It can be hard to keep up with your daily routine when you’re thrown off by jetlag, new time zones, or even just lack of time and unfamiliar surroundings...but it doesn’t have to be that way!
Here are five tips for taking yoga on the road with you: - Take it easy. You might miss out on your weekly yoga at the lake, daily meditation, etc but that’s okay! Pull back and aim for just 20 minutes of "you time", that might mean 10 minutes when you wake up and 10 minutes before bed, but that’s still worth feeling great about.
- Plan a simple sequence. Maybe for you, this means moving through your favorite flow three or four times. Take some time to establish a lineup of your favorite poses and move through what you need. Check out this yoga sequence for battling jet lag.
- No mat, no problem. No strap? Use the tie from a hotel robe or a scarf -- it works just as well! Improvise! Yoga can be done on a chair, in bed & at a wall. Try this modified version of Down Dog to lengthen your back and release your shoulders no matter where you are.
*Start by pressing your forearms against a wall and walk your feet back until they’re under your hips to let your chest melt toward the floor. Move your shoulders down and back to widen your collarbones. Your overall body shape should be similar to that of an “L,” with your forearms on the same level as your hips (or a little higher). You can see this modified shape (and others) here. - Rock a mini-meditation. Remember that yoga is more than asana. A big part of yoga is breathing, and you can use your breath t to add a little more intention to any time of day, no matter where you are.
- Incorporate yoga into your travel plans. Most towns offer a free first class, if you’re visiting somewhere new, make sure to check it out!
 YOGA ON THE MAT, AERIAL SWING, PADDLE BOARD OR REFORMER I am motivated to bring yoga to as many people as possible which is why I offer yoga on various apparatus'.... the aerial swing, paddle board, reformer or mat.
This month we are going to learn to JOURNAL! Journaling is a form of meditation and a great way to discover which chakra (energy center) is out of balance. You'll have access to the 21-day journaling series when you join me this month for either: - 3-week yoga series
- 3-private/semi-private sessions - you get to choose the class day/time, equipment (aerial swings, paddleboard, mat or any combination) AND whether or not to bring a friend or two ---it's the same price so you can split it and motivate each other!
You will be guided daily to journal to jumpstart you meditation journey.
I want you to feel like you're on vacation, so weather permitting, we get outdoors at the lovely lake for Paddleboard Classes and/or Sunset Yoga classes (on the mat) and we are back home for dinner.
Each February we actually do vacation to a tropical destination! Just in time to make it through the rest of winter & return to the real world feeling fabulous!!
NEW TO YOGA? Join my virtual self-paced programs: LEARN YOGA