What's going into your skin & inhaling into our lungs, ?
Every time we choose something toxic free, we are choosing to reduce the exposure to toxic chemicals for our families. Which means we care about the health & future of our children and the earth. The lotion and soaps you use are absorbing into your skin which means running through your bloodstream. How about what you smell from self care products to candles to air fresheners? What we smell is processed in the olfactory bulb in the brain, which sorts sensation into perception, is part of the limbic system -- which is the part of the brain vital to our behavior, mood and memory. Essential Oils are great tools to to support our emotions, behavior, motivation and long term memory as well as helping us avoid toxic alternatives that could be altering them. In this month's Essential Oils class, you'll learn how you can mindfully take steps to refresh your self care routine with simple ingredients for long term health of our body & wallets!
watch sELF cARE & eSSENTIAL oILS cLASs nowjoin 28 day challenge
watch sELF cARE & eSSENTIAL oILS cLASs nowjoin 28 day challenge

Do you know the affects of antibiotics on your gut? It wipes out EVERYTHING....good and bad bacteria. That's why prevention is key...we want to try to avoid antibiotics and only use if we're desperate. Sanitizing your hands often, taking vitamin d, fish oil, eating healthy, avoiding air fresheners and toxic self care products are all ways to make mindful choices that are supporting your gut health and thus your immune system. Did you know that OREGANO is considered "nature's antibiotic"? Make sure to grab your bottle of INNER DEFENSE, so are prepared with a blend of Oregano plus the many benefits of cinnamon, rosemary, clove, lemon & eucalyptus should you feel anything coming on (eg. cough, stuffy nose, etc). The name says it all - Inner Defense. Check out what makes it such a powerhouse supplement.
grab your bottle

Each Fashion Friday we release new items @ 1:30pm ET. You can shop last Friday's drop below. In the meantime, catch a sneak peak of this week's dusters that looks great with leggings or over our amstel dresses.
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