Yoga is one of the fastest-growing exercises. It's been around for thousands of years and it's not going anywhere. It's a whole body workout that grows at your individual pace, builds muscle strength while simultaneously improving flexibility. Plus, it's perfect for fixing poor posture, protecting your bones from osteoporosis, and lessening back pain. Practicing yoga is a way to sweat, burn calories, promote relaxation and a more centered mind overall....all while lowering your cortisol levels (aka your stress hormones).
The practice of yoga incorporates mind, body, and spirit for total well-being- such as breath control, meditation, and physical poses. The practice of yoga has evolved throughout the years. Many individuals only utilize the practice for the physical benefits. However, a number of mental and spiritual benefits can also be obtained.
Studies have found that yoga contributes to not only increased strength and flexibility, but also increased mindfulness, emotion regulation, empathy, concentration, and sense of connectedness, among many other benefits.
If you're feeling stressed or just haven't found a form of exercise you enjoy yet, yoga might be perfect for you because it truly is for everyone!
12/5 @ 9am - Yoga 101 - Kick off Webinar
You'll learn the basics to get you started, have an opportunity to ask questions and know what to expect for the following 3 weeks.
12/12, 19 & 26 @ 9am - Yoga ON the Mat
Make my classes a weekly routine this month to get you practicing Yoga regularly so that you can experience the life changing benefits that come with a regular practice. We'll practice the weekly poses you'll learn during the challenge below.
30 Poses in 30 Days Challenge: Over the next 30 days you'll learn 30 poses - 1 pose a day will be delivered directly to your inbox. You'll learn the benefits & how to do each 1.
Register Below to access:
- intro webinar (1st Sunday of the month @ 9am) - week 1 of 4
- invitation to join the 3 week yoga series - week 2, 3 & 4 (invitation will after the 1st class to those that registered below).
- Yoga class that you can watch as often as you'd like
- Meditation that you can do right now
- Essential Oils for Yogis Class
- $25 gift code to grab a pair of leggings, tank, sports bra, yoga mat, etc