"Collect moments not things. Love people not material. Cherish Memories not possessions." ~Unknown
It's that time of year! The time of year when I listen to nothing but holiday music, wear fuzzy socks, drink everything warm, overheat my car seat --- oh yea, and go shopping!
Over the past year I've been practicing my yoga off the mat "aparigraha").....this translates to non-hoarding (1 of the 5 yamas). Yamas are 1 of the 8 limbs of yoga....most know these 4 other limbs....(1) poses/asana, (2) meditation, (3) breathing exercises and (4) mindfulness (Learn all 8 here). So I've been getting rid of old stuff and am in the process of renewing my wardrobe, which is really just a reset for my mind, my energy and the way I choose to show up in the world. The way in which we dress says a lot about how we view ourselves and how we wish to be viewed, and it is normal that it evolves over time. Like a snake sheds its skin, we must also release the versions of ourselves that are outdated and start fresh.
I don't usually take advantage of Cyber Monday deals, however this year is different. I'm in the market for revamping my wardrobe. It's easy for me to invest in business-related items (courses, website, trainings to help me grow and FOOD that makes me feel good) but when it comes to adorning myself, there has been a block and 2021 was spent clearing that out and donating lots of stuff to a local women's shelter.
Our attire has an impact on our mood and how we show up. Since Yoga and Pilates has me living in leggings, I feeling relaxed and cozy most of the time. What I wear has become just as important as what I eat.....I can feel the difference between wearing something cheap and toxic as much as I can tell when I eat poorly. Plus, just as much as I enjoy buying from local farmers & shops....I like buying sustainably sourced goods that support people I know and I feel a connection to.
December "Mindfulness" is a reminder that in all of the chaos of the holiday season to stop, take a breath and find ways that you can make changes in your daily life to be more mindful.
Just like small observations from November gratitude can have a massive impact on your overall happiness, encourage a better quality of sleep and can have a huge impact on your mental health. So, can making mindful actions on what we do daily propel us forward toward our ultimate purpose. Mindfulness off of the mat is a practice for mindfulness on the mat that will ultimately make it possible to benefit from meditation and someday even limb #7 & 8!
Here's 4 ways to practice Mindfulness with me this December...
1- Learn Yoga with me - Intro to Yoga Series kicks off this Saturday and is FREE. Watch "How Yoga Heals" Class here.
2- Learn Yoga off the Mat - Get FREE access to my 28 days to elevate challenge!
3-Holiday Shop here to scrolling through ways to give the gift of healthy living to your loved ones this season.
4- Grab a pair of Koza Leggings or Ashtanga Leggings. They are 20% off today only PLUS if you're new, use my $25 off coupon so they'll come out to under $50! See ALL 20% off Cyber Monday deals here.
To another month of abundant health and wellness,
Yoga classpilates reformer sessionsYoga Heals class
off the Mat 28 Days elevate
off the Mat 28 Days elevate

Shop sustainably sourced athleisurewear @ 20% off today only on select items! Make sure to use the $25 off gift code, too...for a double discount!!
Cyber Monday Deals first timer $25 code