"Your soul will never be fully nourished by anyone's love but your own."
Hey Yogis,
Whether we realize it or not, how we view ourselves defines so many aspects of our lives and daily interactions.
Any given situation presents us with an opportunity to manifest whatever beliefs about ourselves we hold, and so it’s important to start at the very beginning when seeking to address and improve our self-image. Take some time today to notice the repeated thoughts you say to yourself.
Becoming aware of how you DEFINE your self-worth is the first step to improving it, and so placing your focus on cultivating this awareness before moving forward is a good place to start.
Some questions you might consider to become aware of your current state of self-worth:
1. What are your current beliefs surrounding your self-worth?
2. Why do you say that?
3. How do you feel these could improve?
When we can improve how we feel about ourselves relationships with ourselves and others can improve, we can begin to understand our purpose or career choices and even our current diet and exercise regimen.
Research shows that those who engage in Yoga weekly had better body image and self-esteem.
A continued Yoga routine allows the mind and body a chance to align in a way that no other physical activity allows.
Here's how Yoga can help with your self love:
- boost in mood
- self-awareness
- feeling happy within our skin
- enhances focus
- encourages mindful eating & overall health
- combats feelings of depression
**Make sure to watch this month's mental health class, "Facing Seasonal Depression".
Here's 3 ways to show yourself self-love this month and prioritize you...
- Join my FREE 14-day Self Love Series - just click & go...it starts right away.
- Weekly Yoga class -when you sign up for 3-weeks of Yoga "on the mat" in March, you'll be able to access my 28 to Elevate "off the mat" program this February. This is my most comprehensive program & will really help you uncover what in your life needs to take priority now!
*New to Yoga? Make sure to join my next "Intro to Yoga" kick off class in March. - Learn more about Ayurveda, my monthly challenges & take the body type quiz. Make sure to let me know which one you're most excited about.
XO, Keri