Healthy living is SO much more than Diet and Exercise. Because of this, each month I have a healthy living theme to guide you towards becoming the healthiest and happiest version of you. With the shift in season, start of school, beginning of the leaves falling and cooler nights upon us, this month is all about creating a routine. Our body's love routine and need it!
So mark off some time each Friday for YOU (really, go add a 30 minute recurring event on your calendar now. Label it something like "HEALTHY ME-Time"). Then check out my virtual classes during that allocated time to get you working on your wellness each week. Follow this pattern every month and in 12 months (next September) you won't believe you could've lived any other way because it'll be your lifestyle.
On 9/4 we kick off the month with “Yoga Flow for Stress Relief” Webinar which will give you the info on joining the 20 day reset your routine challenge. Learn about this webinar & challenge here. Because it takes 3 weeks to create a habit, I urge you to join this month challenge!
Want to watch my weekly virtual classes to compliment this healthy theme, webinar & challenge?
Want to watch my weekly virtual classes to compliment this healthy theme, webinar & challenge?
*If you're not on Social Media, that's okay....just let me know which class you're interested it and I'll email you the link.
9/11: Intro to Essential Oils
This class is about the best & safest oils and why you should be using EOs! We will dive into the most popular oils and how to use them every day to get you into the Routine of EOs.
9/18: I have my Oils, now what?
This class is for those that are ready for change and have already ordered or gotten their kit. This will guide you through how to get the most out of it BECAUSE you gotta use them to benefit from them!
The start of school is all around us and last month we talked about Back to School Wellness and Essential Oils for College Students. Since there's many special needs family's out there, this class is a perfect compliment to kicking off the school year. We will focus on using essential oils to support you and your child through life’s daily challenges, helping you both achieve the best version of yourself in the process.