Group Series
Nourish and reinvigorate your soul with a mini-retreat and be home for dinner.

Monthly Programs Include: 
3-Weekly-Yoga Classes
Exercise your mind to achieve mental clarity & emotional peace.

👉21-Day Challenge (on-line)
DAILY PRACTICE - Because it takes 21 days to create a habit, daily habits to create change and lifestyle change to look & feel your best.  

But first, join the Monthly Intro kickoff class
👉CLASS (LIVE) so you know what to expect for the 3-week series & get the link to join the series
👉Resource guide so you know what to expect at the kickoff class


intro to yoga 

intro to meditation 

intro to chakras

intro to feminine Wisdom

intro to ayurveda

Prenatal yoga:  join intro to prenatal yoga series

You are worthy.  You are capable.  You are beautiful.
Book the ticket. Write the book. Create the dream. Celebrate yourself.
Rule your Queendom!

Copyright Keri Elikin