Here's what to do next:

Stay Connected

Set the stage for lasting change by adding your daily meditation & weekly yoga class to your calendar. Add and 2015194851 to your address book now so you don't miss any announcements...

Weekly Yoga Routine

Check out the weekly yoga class & daily poses to support you with pregnancy discomforts.

Access my resource guide for your next stage in life:

Semi/Private Yoga Classes are available virtually & 

Yoga "OFF" the Mat

Kick toxicity to the curb in all areas of your life, better manage stress and keep yourself on track for positive change.

Member Resource Area:  Guides for Essential Oils for pregnancy, babies, kids and more.

Couple your weekly yoga class with "off-the-mat" programs:
"A mother always has to think twice, once for herself and once for her child."

Copyright Keri Elikin