Yoga on the Mat
Step into any yoga studio around the world and you'll find someone in need of healing.  Whether it's from physical pain such as back pain or emotional stress such as sadness yoga has something to offer everyone.  Wounds of grief, disability, emotional trauma, and disease can all be healed with the right practice.  In fact, many doctors, from neurologists to chiropractic doctors and psychologists, have begun incorporating yoga into their healing practices.

Yoga for PMS

Yoga for Pregnancy Guide
Yoga for Aging Gracefully Guide

Yoga for Athletes Guide
Your Next Step!

Whether you're looking to get physically, mentally or emotionally healthy, learn how the ancient practice of yoga can build strength and flexibility while lowering your stress levels.  Yoga helps to recognize the innate strength in all of us, but sometimes we need assistance in noticing it. Come as you are...Yoga is for your current journey.

If you're ready to discover you best health through Yoga than join me for your session on the mat, paddleboard, aerial swing or for the "newbie" for my virtual intro series.

"The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step". ~Lao Tzu

Copyright Keri Elikin