"Yoga teaches us to cure what need not be endured and endured what cannot be cured".
Yoga is one of the fastest-growing exercises. It's been around for thousands of years and it's not going anywhere. It's a whole body workout that grows at your individual pace, builds muscle strength while simultaneously improving flexibility. Plus, it's perfect for fixing poor posture, protecting your bones from osteoporosis, and lessening back pain. Practicing yoga is a way to sweat, burn calories, promote relaxation and a more centered mind overall....all while lowering your cortisol levels (aka your stress hormones) which can cause mental health issues.
If you're feeling stressed or just haven't found a form of exercise you enjoy yet, yoga might be perfect for you. Click the register button below to get access to:
- Yoga on the Mat Class (6/5, 12, 19) - Lake yoga
* Rain location is virtual - Yoga OFF the Mat - Learn 30 poses in 30 days
New to Yoga? Watch this first - Yoga 101 webinar
To register:
1- Click the register button below
2- Submit $45 class donation 24 hours in advance to reserve your spot: