How Yoga Heals Webinar - August Happiness Month


Many doctors have begun incorporating yoga into their healing practices.  From neurologists to chiropractic doctors and psychologists, all types of professionals are embracing the healing power that yoga has to offer.
The potential yoga has to serve people is incredible.  My goal is to share with you, and as many people as I can, how attainable and extraordinary the benefits of yoga are.  Read on to learn more about this month's webinar & challenge.


"Put your thoughts to sleep, do not let them cast a shadow over the moon of your heart".  ~Rumi

Step into any yoga studio around the world and you'll find someone in need of healing.  Whether it's from physical pain such as back pain or emotional stress such as sadness yoga has something to offer everyone.  Wounds of grief, disability, emotional trauma, and disease can all be healed with the right practice.

First and foremost, yoga is about self-acceptance.  Yoga teaches you to understand your limitations and how to breath through uncomfortable postures.  Using the breath to get you through a challenging pose translates into using your breath to get you through challenging situations on and off the mat.
Yoga requires you to be in tune with your body, which aids in understanding where in your body that truly needs healing. 
Join me for How Yoga Heals Webinar to gain a deeper understanding of how to be receptive of your body's needs and how yoga can aid in the healing process.
Some say without rough patches, we wouldn't be able to truly appreciate the good times.  However, with yoga, you can make those rough patches just a little less rough.
We always have a choice when it comes to difficult situations.  The tough stuff is hard to avoid, but how you react and respond makes all the difference!
Yoga can help in the development of confidence, patience, acceptance - all of which are crucial in addressing adversity.  Yoga helps to recognize the innate strength in all of us, but sometimes we need assistance in noticing it.
During How Yoga Heals webinar, you will gain access to that power through the benefits of yoga.  Whether it be physical, emotional, psychological, mental or  spiritual healing, yoga is an avenue to your best health. 
Yoga OFF the Mat:  Join this month's Happiness  or Sleep Challenge
My monthly themes and challenges are meant to get you living a healthy lifestyle.  This month,  we are going to focus on Happiness or Sleep for 21 days....which do you need more of?  Being a happy person could help you feel more gratitude and even get better sleep.  When we're getting better sleep, we're more likely to be happy.  

"Sleep is calling me and I must go".  
