Kickoff Yoga Class & Intro to Meditation
Time for Yoga Class where we learn how meditation can transform your life!

Meditation is a simple, straightforward practice available to everyone, regardless of physical ability, age, or any other “limitation” that might otherwise hold you back from trying something new.

Meditation has been practiced for thousands of years and remains so popular because it can reduce stress, increase calmness, and promote happiness.

At first, meditation can feel uncomfortable because it is like exercising a muscle that perhaps you’ve never worked out before. However, once you get started, benefits come quickly as just a few minutes of practice a day can make a big difference.

Meditation is a tool that you can use to bring yourself back to the present during stressful situations that might otherwise derail you from your day, so taking a few moments to check in with yourself is well worth the time and effort.

Get started on a more peaceful and enlightened future by 
clicking the register button below to:
  • Access my intro to meditation resource guide and start practicing right away!
  • Learn how to join the next meditation series (as a group or self-paced)!!
You will be introduced to the practice of meditation in a way that feels accessible and manageable for everyone, regardless of their knowledge or experience.  Plus, you'll have a chance to practice it weekly!

Walk away with the tools for a more balanced life!
Meditation isn’t about becoming a new person; it’s about training your brain to become more aware of your surroundings in a way that gives you a healthy sense of perspective. By learning to meditate, you learn to observe the world around you, as well as your reactions to your surroundings without judgment. Once you accomplish this, you’ll be able to understand your own feelings better and create a healthier, more in-touch relationship with your mind and the way it operates.

Put most simply, meditation is a way to train your mind to focus on the present, instead of allowing it to stray toward worry about the future or dwelling on the past.

Meditation gives us the tools to be less stressed, as well as calmer and kinder to ourselves and the people we surround ourselves with. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn more about what meditation has to offer you! 

We kindly request your registration at least 24 hours prior to attending by clicking the register button below.
  • Group session is $20 per person paid in advance
    All levels welcome
    *BYO Mat/or towel, water & layers to stay comfortable.
    **Class is virtual
We can't wait to have you join us!
